To design and manufacture solutions that change, or at least improve, the lives of those who use it.
This is the mission of the company ARPA and is what they have been doing since 1968, the date of the company's founding by Antonio Arpa Romero in Zaragoza. Throughout its history ARPA has supplied its solutions to more than 60 countries.
Equipos Moviles de Campaña ARPA was born as a company dedicated to improving the food conditions of the Spanish Armed Forces in 1968. Today, on the year of its 50th anniversary, the activity of the company extends to so many fields that it is difficult to get an idea of its magnitude and its capabilities.
Now, in the XXI Century, ARPA continues to lead the search and development of solutions that improve the people lives, offering answers that contemplate all kinds of needs anywhere in the world.
Since the initial and almost only defense area, ARPA has evolved and already has comprehensive solutions in the areas of Civil, Water and Sanitation, Emergencies and Catastrophes and Telecommunications with special dedication to deliver good healthcare worldwide, despite the location or difficulty to access the area where the hospital has to be deployed.
With 50 years of history, it is not uncommon to see ARPA systems supplying the basic needs to equipment as diverse as stable camps, hospitals or rural infrastructures anywhere in the world. ARPA goes where nobody else goes.
The well-known scarcity in health services in some areas in Africa and South America are one of the biggest problems for the people living in those areas. ARPA, within its policy of commitment to Innovation, dedicates a large part of its commercial and R + D + i resources exclusively to the health sector. Developing more efficient health solutions such as mobile units, rural medicine projects, hospitals, ambulatories… Everything developed in different portable and easy to transport systems.
ARPA can develop everything needed for the operation of a fully autonomy hospital containing Operation Theaters, Trauma Surgery, Delivery Room, ICU, Radiology, Ultrasound, Odontology, Nursing, General Laboratory, Sterilization, Gynecology Clinic, Microbiology Laboratory, Morgue, Pharmacy, Pathology, Medical Clinic, Administration, Emergency Box, etc.
All those health services, ARPA EMC can develop them in different ways depending on social and demographic conditions:
Hospitals on container:
The use of containers implies an important improvement in comfort, functionality & asepsis in Health Areas. They allow fast deployment & assembly with an unbeatable quality assistance. The incorporation of expandable containers allows to offer working areas up to 35 sqm ideal for Operation Theater & Intensive Care Units.

Mixed Hospitals Containers-Tents:
Combination of medical modules on containers ARPA with corridors ARPA and incorporating necessary tents, as triage, hospital or logistic support systems.
Hospitals from 50 to 500 beds, customized configurations incorporating the medical specialties needed. Also supply all necessary logistical support services for the autonomous operation of the hospital: Food services, water infrastructures, energy, laundry, hygienical services, bedrooms, etc.
Hospitals on tents:
Different tents for different purposes. ARPA EMC have modular aluminum tents. Those tents are called ALUARPA. Self-portable structure tent that gives excellent habitability, high resistance against weather conditions that allows to use these hospitals during long period permanency and provides the hospitals with modularity and versatility in assembles.
Pneumatic tents are also provided by ARPA, those tents are commonly used for emergencies or quick response needs. Also, it’s used for short periods of time. They have great habitability thanks the cotton-polyester fabrics which gives the tent a better response to weather conditions.
It comes with electric multi-arch inflator for an easy and fast deployment.
The last choice of tents that ARPA offers for health solutions is the Pavilion Tent which is a bricogalvanized steel structure with assembly crosses that includes springs in all connections that helps canvas to support less load. Requires less resource to pack, to storage, to transport and to deploy.

Hospitals on air platform:
These hospitals are an excellent alternative when Ultra quick deployment in areas of difficult access is required.
Totally transportable in a plane or helicopter on air platforms, is designs with compact and light equipment to reduce the time of assembly for operation.
Air conditioning and power generation are integrated in a platform.
Hospitals, clinics and ambulatories on modular construction:
This choice is often used as a final solution for health needs. ARPA carries out complete buildings with accommodation, permanent hospitalization and even hospitals with more than one height.
The construction project totally directed by ARPA staff begins with the making of a concrete floor in the desired location. Subsequently all the components of the building are installed in a coordinated way by ARPA staff, training on the progress the local staff for its later maintenance.
In addition to:
• Individual consultations.
• Complete consultations.
• Outpatient clinics.
• Hospitals.
• Geriatric residences.
• Special patients.
ARPA provides all the equipment and infrastructures annexed, such as parking of vehicles, mobile units, lodging of personnel, life areas, feeding systems, logistics, communications... The rural health infrastructure must provide a comprehensive solution to the health problems of people who do not have continuous access to traditional medical systems, mainly located in the cities. That’s why the planning and coordination between needs and solutions is fundamental.
To conclude, ARPA also develop full rural medicine projects anywhere in the world. The main goal of a rural medicine project is to offer healthcare in an integral, respectful,
equitable and humane way, to people who are farthest from the traditional health centers.
To achieve this ARPA offers health education and training programs, provides value throughout the project chain, offering in each of the stages, phases and parts of the project the precise solutions or products in order to perform it in a precise way.
Applied Harmonics:
ARPA’s experience in all these fields is a guarantee of a job well done.