In this issue

Issue 36 • February 2021

In the current climate of social distancing and lockdown restrictions, the idea of returning back into a pre-Covid-19 world of crowds and large gatherings may seem a bit daunting. But for those who struggle with severe social anxiety, the idea of social interaction in any form can be overwhelming. 

In the past, confronting the situations that cause feelings of anxiety and fear would require the patient to physically put themselves into those environments, a process that can be particularly unpleasant. However, as virtual reality headsets have become more advanced and more available to the average consumer, an alternative approach to treating social anxiety has emerged. 

We find out more about how virtual reality is helping patients to confront their fears from the comfort of their own homes. 

Also, we examine whether 2021 will be an easier year for Europe’s notified bodies, ask if wearables can help PTSD sufferers to get a good night’s sleep, investigate the lack of consistency in the AI models used by the NHS to aid diagnosis, and get the lowdown on an NHS innovation project being trialled at Milton Keynes University Hospital NHS Trust that gives patients free access to their medical records via their iPhone.

For all this and more, read on.

Eloise Mclennan, editor

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